>>19048840>Its still pretty bad and poorly written, I agree, if we had better quetz description it'd be much better, but we don't so...
>plus you're being kinda a dick. I don't think I was
>The summary should be much more specific.>Why does Quetzar awaken? How? To be determined
>When was the last time he awakened?probably a few thousand years ago, like I said in my initial post.
>And really, "every few thousand years"? Do you have any idea how long that is? That implies he's awakened twice, at most, in the course of human History - If its once every 2500 years for instance, He last awoke at the rise of the Latin tribes into the Roman cities, that later became an empire. Before that, China and Egypt were barely establishing civilization.because surely all of human history has occurred in the last 6,000 years
>"Every Five-hundred years" makes a lot more sense, and fits the 568-year calendar cycle of the Mayans.a couple thousand is roughly 4 5hundreds, is it not?