Leftovers Giveaway
Bego 3024-5256-8144 Steel (Excadrill, Klang, Magnetone) No.16260801 View ViewReport Quoted By:
*7 Boxes of 4 IV eevees with different natures with Wish, Baton pass, Stored power and Curse.
Some of them have 5 IVs
*4 IV Jolly Torchic with Speed Boost
*4 IV Adamant Marrill with Huge Power
* 4 IV Timid Gastly with Hypnosis
*4 IV Brave Honedge
* 4 IV Adamant Mawile with Intimidate
* 4 IV Noibat with frisk
*One 4 IV female Jolly Gible with rough skin and 3 IV males
* 3 IV Jolly Dratini with Marvelscale
*4 IV Timid Flabébé
*4 IV Impish Carbink with Sturdy
*4 IV Froakies with Protean
*4 IV Shellder with Skill link and egg moves
* 4 IV Khangaskan
And other offers as long as they have at least 4 IVs