>>20746189>>20746302>>20746346>>20746357>>20746377>>20746381I'm a Charizardfag and I'm laughing at you guys crying over a store having a preorder bonus for a children's video game you don't like. TRU isn't owned by Pokemon fans and probably don't even know that Charizard isn't a Hoennmon. They just thought "hey this thing's real popular, let's make it a preorder bonus" and GF approved it because they don't care.
I wouldn't mind at all Charizard getting Alpha and Omega megas just to see you hipster manchildren piss and moan about how you're totally going to not going to buy OR/AS for the pandering only to buy both copies day one anyway. I hope one of them's Fire/Fighting for the extra rage.
Feel free to call me an autist/genwunner/facebooker/redditor/newfag/tumblrite/underage or any other hip insult you can think of to feel better about yourselves