>>38181837>You are ignoring tons of things here. There’s a literal fighting gym that’s 2nd in Hoenn, Again, Ralts can't actually beat that gym on it's own without luck. It doesn't hit hard enough and it gets hit back for similar damage. It can take down one of the two at best.
Also, Abra is catchable in the cave on that same island at level 9, and it's roughly as fast to get it to Level 16 than it is to get Kirlia from Level 14 to 18.
>AND you get exp share early as fuck in 3rd gen. Oh, good, then it can be used on mons that level fast and thus make better use of it than a mon in the Slow category.
>The Kirlia only needs to get to get to mid 20s before calm mind and psychicBy the time Kirlia reaches Level 26, Alakazam is almost level 31, and it learns Psychic at Level 36 in gen 3.
Not that it really matter, Alakazam's Psybeam at Level 21 is as exactly strong as Kirlia's Psychic is at 26. Level 26 Alakazam's regular, unboosted Psybeam is tied with a Calm mind Psychic from Kirlia at the same level.
You seriously underestimate how bad Kirlia is.