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As something to point out, Digimon's digital world runs on survival of the fittest rules, the weak get eaten (absorbed and power up) by the strong, this is also shown in the third anime series and the reboot they did of the first one
There's also a gag Digimon, Nanimon (dude on the right) according to his lore is in fact the Tamagotchi (due to Digimon originally being made as a male focused counterpart to the Tamagotchi series) character Oyajitchi (dude on the left), who found his way into the Digital World, and he ended up having to train himself up to survive, due to how much harsher the world of Digimon is compared to Tamagotchi
This actually reminds me a lot of paradox Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, the fact they seem far more violent on average compared to their normal counterparts, and in turn it comes off feeling like they also had a very survival of the fittest like time period they came from
Digimon is just much more aggressive about this, even reflected in how they grow in power as they evolve, as they start off weak as shit, I'd argue their baby mon are far weaker then Pokemon's baby mon, but by the end they are literal gods most of the time, or at least nearing that in power