>>53922426>Dawn is already perfectNo she is not and you need to acknowledge that. You probably wants to believe in an idealistic world where people care more about personality and character over appearance. But the truth is that people cares more about appearance than personality when it comes to female characters. Serena is the direct proof of that. Many bland female characters become popular and many garbage anime gets mainstream popularity because of their eye-candy as shown by Rent-A-Girlfriend, To Love-ru and Okaa-san Online.
If TPC wanted Riko to be popular than they should have came up with better design since her design is bland with a generic sideswept multi-colored hair with the bottom part are curved like Selene's hair. They made it even worst by putting an ugly hairclip right at the middle of her hair. Maybe TPC should have use Seele as a model for Riko's design since they both share similar black and blue hair.