>dinner tonight with family>shooting the shit with my brother>ask him how his Pokemon game is going>ask if he used his Johto balls on anything yet>he says no but he wants to use the Heavy Ball on Guzzlord>fair enough, colors kinda fit but you should use it on something that can breed so it'll pass down and shit>tells me he might do that instead>says now he's wondering what he should catch with it>I tell him, why not a Beldum? (he loved Metagross last time we talked about it)>he says fuck Beldum, Metagross sucks>I have no face>he asks if Metagross is good>tell him hell fucking yes and that he's an idiot>"I'm not into that competitive shit, I'm just shiny hunting lol">says he's mad that Type: Null can't breed>I tell him it's kind of overrated>he rants about how I'm wrong and how Silvally's base 95 across the board is so good and it's ability is so OP>you literally have 1 move to take advantage of with it and you are forced to run a physical set to do so>tells me I suck>tell him to battle me>"W-with what team? I told you I'm shiny hunting lol"tldr my brother thinks Silvally is better than Metagross. Is my brother a retard? Or am I missing something?
>>30858068tfw I thought about the Fake Out Hitmonlee set before I saw his video and now everybody thinks I'm a poser