>>14926004She had blue eyes and was wearing a Nurse's scrubs outfit which was a light pink colour with a pocket on the chest and short sleeves, and Pants in the same pink colour with denim shoes. She was wearing blue Nitrile gloves on her small hands. I thought she looked farmiliar so I tried to think of who it was and then I realized, She is the real life version of Misty who is my favourite character from Pokemon and one of my most favourite Anime girls! So I was very happy, and i stopped crying for a minute. And I asked Misty "nurse misty what is going on".
Misty said, "Well Damien we found you were unconcious so we took you to the Hospital for treatment, You have a bad illness now, But it will get better because we are taking care of you now. The Crystals will heal you although there is some side effects. "What side effects?" I said. Misty said, "Well these Crystals sometimes cause a patients hands to grow large. The fingers become long and bony. In fact, It seems like you are getting this affect now." And I looked at both of my Hands the one with the Cannula in it aswell as the normal one. And, My fingers had grown from the normal size of about 3.5 inches to about 4.3 inches now. And the Joints in my fingers were begining to get prominant as well as the tendins and veins in my Hand when my hands were very smooth before. And this really scared me and I began to Cry again. Misty said "What is wrong Damien" And I tried to say something but I was crying too hard to get the words out.
Well, Misty said "Please stop Crying Damien." And she got a Sterile tissue and she wiped my face off, While wearing the Nitrile gloves Well I kept crying anyway, But she said "Its ok. You are going to be ok because you are in the hosptial. Now, Its time for some food because you have to build up your Immune system and get strong". And I said, "ok." And I was happy because I was hungry and I wanted to eat some Pizza or maybe Chips, or have a Tim Hortons Coffee.