Well hello there! This is Showderp. Where we give a genius dubbed "champ" 6 anonymously suggested Pokemon and go on to watch and cheer as he builds his empire utop Pokemon Showdowns smogon-infested ladder with them. It's all apart of our glorious master plan, after all.
If champs team is being meddled with by that annoying Smogon again he'll call "new team" where the fastest of 6 anons shall be able to see their suggestions on champs newest team. If champs plans have been delayed for the last time he'll call "new champ" where the fastest trip to claim shall become our newest champ and the cycle repeats. Calls only count in thread. Don't understand? I eggspect you to lurk.
>Badniks:http://memebasemon.com/>Boss Battles:http://booru.showderp.com/>Current Champ:AstroHamsta