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Post your face when this is the many worlds interpretation of pokemon.
Other points to prove my statement:
Lucario in Kanto.
Inceniroar in Kanto.
No Misty.
No Brock.
Characters from the game that never appeared in original anime now in.
Ash somewhat the same, first time meeting pikachu.
I know you won't like it much, but hear me out. This is a universe where god-like beings come and go all the time. The point everyone doesn't get, Ash became one of those god-like beings. He doesn't age. The new movie could just be one of many multi-worlds that make up pokemon. Which would actually explain alot.
Why you might like this theory:
Gen 1: Means your continuity is as truthful as everyone else's continuity. That is to say if you liked Ash, Brock, and Misty adventures. Then you can have them. Extra bonus points for any ship as this theory states that Ash might have also said "I am staying here til I am the champion of Kanto/Jotoh, and I will stay with you Misty/Brock." I put slashes as both are equally likely and it just depends on how you like your shipping.
Gen 2-7 : Pretty much same point for each. Except change names and regions.
The theory could also be that instead of losing his perspecrive league challenges, he wins them first time in aginst all odds.
And before you write this off as a Gen 1 trying to get "Muh gen" back, I can honestly say I loved gen 3 and gen 6 most. However with all the different story lines and plots from the anime, games, movies, and manga, the only totally logical and reasonable explination is the many worlds explination.