>>37919386I thought about that. Here's a version with all gens
>Falkner gets mostly bird of prey esque pokémon since he's a falconer. Drops Swellow for Pidgeot>Bugsy gets bugs that you commocly catch, since he's a glorified bug catcher. So moths, beetles, spiders>Whitney gets a cute, pink, sugary team>It's hard to pin down Morty since the selection of ghost-type was so limited. Just added a Chandelure to keep a nice purple/black color scheme going on in his team>Chuck is also hard to pin down because it has 2 pokémon, but with the inclusion of Gen 5, 6 and 7, he was reworked to have a team of non-humanoid fighting types to constrast with Bruno that would have humanoid fighting-types. Also gets Heracross to keep on having a Gen 2 pokémon (or related) as an ace>Jasmine just swapped Magnezone for Excadrill, cuz I think it's cool to have her be this sweet girl with a team full of metal monsters>Pryce is kind of hard to pin down. Just swapped Delibird for Alolan Sandslash because I like it more>Claire drops Gyarados, since it has a Milotic and that create a nice constrast with Lance's Gyarados. Gets a few more serpentine-esque, more marine inspired dragons that don't look like regular dragons, to constrast with Lance. Dragonite is kept, because I like to think it's almost a tribute to her master, and Altaria is kept for MegaEvo purposes