>"I'm a girl, but I do not enjoy your typical girly things and would rather engage in activities more suited for boys">"Oh, so you're a tomboy then? That's cool!">"I'm a boy, but I do not conform to those macho-man stereotypes and think there's nothing wrong with expressing your more feminine side">"Sure thing, friend, whatever floats your boat."10s:
>"I'm a girl, but I do not enjoy your typical girly things and would rather engage in activities more suited for boys">"My LGBTQ++- studies degree tells me that you sound like a secret FtM transsexual. Here's some pills to fuck up your hormone balance. Come back in a few years so we can make you a pseudo dick out of your armskin.">"I'm a boy, but I do not conform to those macho-man stereotypes and think there's nothing wrong with expressing your more feminine side">"Umm, ACKCHYUALLY according to this totally scientific™ Tumblr blog you're not a boy but rather a super-oppressed non-binary genderqueer person of gayness."Where did everything go so fucking wrong, bros?