>>24913364"Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeah, honey! This might just be my most favorite flock of 'em all! Listen to that BEAT, farfar! I taught them that! IT'S THE HOKEY ARTICHOKEY DELUXE: DUCK AMUCK EDITION! It's so fantastic, it makes me just want to!"
>Leek Miser used Agility!>Leek Miser's Speed rose sharply!"Yeah! Farfar! Something like that! Now as for you guys, you two engage the enemy with Water Pulse! The third one, I don't care what you do, you might as well be dead weight. A Zen Headbutt maybe? Farfar! That might impress me!"
"Psy aye aye.............."
"Hey! These guys are Water-types right? Oh boy! The SUPEREFFECTIVE Midoro-sama is actually pretty useful against guys like those! The cards are in the great explorer's favor!"
>Grass Knot locked!A) Use Vine Whip!
B) Use Mud Shot!
C) Use Payback!
D) Use Spikes!