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Considering how pokemon-like some of the Rivals of Aether characters are and that RoE now has a steam workshop, let's have a thread talking about our favorite pokemon in RoE and other platform fighters.
I'll start with Heracross
>Jab: Arm thrust- Standard multihit jab, 1-2 jab into flurry
>Tilts: Chip away- Quick thrust forward that's angled in the direction of the tilt, utilt is more uppercut-like
>Smash attacks: Megahorn- Side and Up smash are almost identical to Kragg's while down smash is a circular slash with Heracross' horn
>Nair: Body slam- Heracross body slams his opponent with a move reminiscent of Dedede's nair
>Fair: Night slash- Heracross lets out two quick slashes forward, the second one dealing more knockback than the first
>Uair: Fury attack- Multi hit move in which Heracross swings his horn several times; mainly a combo move
>Dair: Smack down- Heracross throws down a stone, which spikes enemies who get hit by it
>Bair: Shadow claw- Heracross slashes behind him; has strong killing power
>Nspecial: Pin missile- Two to five needles appear by Heracross, take aim at the nearest opponent, and fire at high speeds
>Sspecial: Close Combat- Heracross lunges forward and, if he hits an enemy, barrages them with a flurry of punches
>Uspecial: Aerial ace- Heracross quickly charges upwards with a slash, slashing his enemy again if he successfully hits them
>Dspecial: Swords dance- The swords dance animation plays, raising Heracross' damage output for a short time after activating this ability.