>>40545932just trying to understand how this iv thing can affect my final result, i'm using two horsea that i have to see better the iv in use
>horsea1 lvl4 (13/13/13):cp107 hp29 lvl 4:40 143/115/114
let's think i evolve it all the way up to kingdra, so now i have:
>kingdra1 lvl4 (13/13/13)cp271 hp49 lvl4:40 208-206/206-209/193-195
>now let's make it lvl20:cp1480-1483 hp115-116 lvl20:40 208-206/206-209/193-195
let's compare with horsea2 following the same steps:
>horsea2 lvl16 (10/15/15):cp466 hp62 lvl16:40 139/118/117
>kingdra2 lvl16 (10/15/15):cp1178 hp104 lvl16:40 204/209/196
>kingdra2 lvl20 (10/15/15)cp1473 hp117 lvl20/40 204/209/196
so, it makes me believe that 15 in stamina or 13 in stamina (or other stats) aren't that different. i wonder how different the kingdra would perform in another 2 options: 10/10/10 and 15/15/15 and how different it can be from a 13/13/13
is cp variable? can all pokemon achieve the same cp? i mean,can a full zero stats mon have a cp higher than a "hundo" in the same lvl? or is cp completely variable and i shouldn't care at all?