>>49046773And we're off. A nice winter Nuzlocke for the holiday season, too.
Basic premise of this hack is that it replaces everything in-game with the original 386 and is a step above Drayano hacks in terms of difficulty, meant for nuzlocking. Also has some ah, interesting changes, like Pidgey as you can see has been turned into an Electric/Flying type oriented towards special attacking. Mudkip might have been the worst starter pick given it really has no buffs other than it's mega's Swift Swim, but I'm rolling with it.
No points for guessing the naming scheme.
>>49047274Because I'm a masochist.
Real shit, I've yet to complete a nuzlocke of either and it wouldn't be bad to try and start now.
>>49047682That route is honestly just complete shit in general. RIP for the fallen.
Big thing I can recommend is not grinding on it, you generally don't need to grind in Y as long as you fight the normal trainers with the exp share on.
>>49048872Do have to warn that Bugsy and his gym are probably the hardest fights in that hack. Once you're past, hopefully you'll have a bit more fun with the rules and how it plays off the game's difficulty.
>>49050292Random trainers in Dray hacks are absolutely vicious, yeah, still, jesus christ.
You still have a big box and a lot of great encounters coming up but those are some nasty losses, especially Chimchar. Good luck.
>>49050932That is the really nice part about enhancement hacks, it's so cool to see a normally terrible mon slice its way through a bigger chunk of the main game than it ever should, against tough opponents too.
Wake isn't too bad (other than his demonic Ludicolo tho, watch out) but after him is a rather nasty difficulty spike. I have faith though, you're doing real well anon