>>29542872I feel like, after seeing all the previews, Ash will still be XY Ash but with the serious/mature aura he had during XY turned down several notches and his more comedic side dialed up.
He seems more charismatic in the SM previews when compared to his cool look in XY. But as we saw in the previews, aquiring the Z-Ring, chasing down Topo Koko when it stole his hat, using the Z-Move, standing on a clif with Pikachu over looking the ocean, those are going to be the moments where we see XY Ash.
I do personally believe that SM will feel like a loose continuation of XY, and by that I mean Ash retains his battling skills (for the most part), his knowledge of Pokemon, and his experience as a trainer. It'll be during the down moments when we get the comedy. Ash in class learning about Alolan Forms and Pokemon that have had their types changed, out door activities that lead to school hijinx, getting done in by Pokemon he first meets.
When things even get remotely serious we'll see the Ash we've had the pleasure of seeing these last 3 years. When things are more lighthearted we'll see a new Ash.
I'm excited for Sun and Moon, especially if the series gets a little darker later on when the Skull/Aether/Silvally/Ultra Beasts start to appear.
The above certainly being the case if the anime follows the games in regardes to being eligible for the trials once you reach 11 years old and they decide to take the dive and age Ash.