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So I'm up to the Reborn Reborn City part of the game, which I've got mixed feelings on
On the bad side of things, it feels awfully rushed. I know there isn't an exact time frame for how long you've been unable to access the city, but it definitely doesn't feel like long enough for all these changes to have been implemented physically, let alone organised. Maybe some kind of official time skip could have been implemented here, though that would also make some other plot elements make less sense. Or have it done ward by ward over the rest of the game.
The other thing is how it shills Adrienne and concurrently makes everyone else seem worse via their previous inaction. How is Adrienne able to magically pull this shit off? Why would the city officials listen to him? If it was this simple (perhaps not easy, but clearly it was simple) why werent people doing this long ago?
To be fair, one mitigating factor is that a lot of this is only possible because of your actions clearing out Meteors influence. Its only because you purified the waters and destroyed the PULSES etc that everyone else can actually make progress for once.
On the positive side of things, damn, in an edgy game like this its nice to see something good happen even its not entirely logical... but lots of things in this game arent logical and its nice to see it being something that isn't horrible for a change. It adds a bunch more little things to do around the city. Honestly I dont even dislike Adrienne outside the xexexexe stuff being jarring to read, they dont do anything to actively irritate me like say fucking terra, to be frank they're probably more useful in the grand scheme of things than most of the cast. Boring but helpful.
Overall I guess I like it. It doesnt make perfect sense but if that was a dealbreaker for me I would have quit 3 badges in.