>>28377911I agree completely.
And as naive as it is for me to believe in the anime after the Kalos League, I can't help but put faith in them. Realistically it's going to be 6-8 years before the next Pokemon League since Alola doesn't have one, and that's a lot of time during which Rica gets quite a bit older and risks getting sick or god help us something happens to her.
I feel like the Kalos League had a unexpected outcome. For both the fans and staff. But now the staff know that they have a HUGE chance. Bigger then the Sinnoh or Kalos Leagues. Ash made it to the finals, he goes to Alola for a possible training arc, have Gen 8 be an even bigger wankfest that makes it clear that Ash will win the X League. Imagine the hype, the marketing. The chance to bring back old characters, old pokemon, and have a movie as the climax to the series where Ash wins.
The thing that could rake in the biggest bucks is the fact that they have Ashs first victory up their sleeves which they can drop at any time.
>>28377987The thing about Bulbasaur and Squirtle evolviing is that they lose a LOT of speed. They'd have to be trained similar to Tiernos Blastoise and I believe it was Niehei's Venasaur from the Ninja Village. Ash's Pokemon work best when they're fast. And lets be honest if Squirtle or Bulbasaur got the final win against an E4's fully evolved mon that would be fucking rad, showing that you don't have to evolve to do something incredible. Similar to Yayakoma during its evolution episode.
>>28378056Ash will probably get a Z-Move variation that's unique to him. Similar to the Orange Water Shuriken. I'm still confused about that attack, like it's purpose besides getting us excited.