>>52102316No, we're simply letting Watercucks and Birdkeks have their delusions. Rain thinks its birds are gonna come through on top ignoring just how many checks Sun paras will have for Kilo, Quaquaval, and Palafin who will also have to risk punching through a max'd 140 DEF Torkoal who will undoubtedly always be in the Sun, weakening any Water move sheaningans while risking a burn from Will O Wisp or Lava Plume rendering it useless. Roaring Moon alone shits all over the nu-powerhouses Rain is raving about. It can survive a Hurricane, resists Thunder, and can one shot Kilo with that ridiculous ATK stat. With Kilo down or otherwise so easily forced into a retreat it can setup with ease and tear the enemy Rain team a new one. Even if Moon is Ubers banned there's still Brute Bonnet. There's still Scream Tail who just won't care about Palafin in the Sun. Sandy Shocks and Great Tusk are free switch ins on Kilo and Zapdos. Pelipper's good, but it's not surviving repeated chip damage from both these powerhouses and Rocks, if it runs HDB it's missing out on Leftovers. If an item is identified, Torkoal can predict a switch to Pelipper and try to nail it with Stone Edge, then swap to Moon, Bonnet, Tusk, cheeky Kleavor, really anything the team's running. Sun is going to be an absolute powerhouse because its only predictable core is maybe Torkoal and Tusk, Moon if it's not immediate Ubers. This is not discussing the myriad of other Fire and Grass types Sun could also be running. Rain doesn't have the sheer power and versatility to keep up with Sun right now.