>>16400812"Is that your dolly you have there?"
It's a rhetorical question, of course it's her dolly, it's why she has it in your hand. But you're just trying to befriend her, the more you get close to her, the more she'll trust you and want to be your adorable imouto for life.
Though, as much as you would appreciate that, she's obviously a little girl with her own parents and maybe even her own brother, who's probably a dipshit Youngster who shits on her for having cooties.
You can't take her from a life like that.
Or, maybe you can. Whatever. Depends on what happens.
The little girl nods. She grabs the little stuffed Buneary's stubby arm and waves it, "Hello!~" she says for the doll. Again, you give her another wave, to which she pays back by pressing the doll to your lips.
She giggles because now you have bunny cooties.
A) Reveal your mastery of patty-cake and challenge her to a duel.
B) Show her one of your Pokemon to play with.
C) Pretend you're dying from bunny cooties.
D) Ask where her mum-mum is.