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Heat Seeker
This pokemon cannot miss pokemon based off heat emitting animals (All Fire types, Bulbasaur line, Squirtle line, Pidgeot line, Rattata line, Fearow Line, Pichu line, Sandshrew line, Nidoran line, Clefairy line, Igglybuff line, Zubat line, Digglet line, Meowth line, Psyduck line, Mankey line, Abra line, Machop line, Slowpoke line, Farfetch'd, Doduo line,, Drowzee line, Cubone line, Hitmon lines, Rhyhorn line, Chansey line, Khangaskan line, Mr mime, Eevee, ect, you get the point) But its misses 60% of the time against ice types.