After training my new shiny boi it was time for the bitch of Dragons
Coincidentally best Johto girl, dont @ me>Clair>Gyrados gets discharged into a different world, but not after taking 40 hp damage.>Swobbo kills Dragonair (1) with Ice Fang>Dreaded Kingdra>I have Freddy Hypnotize it to sleep, then with Freddy stil out I heal up Shaun. Shaun gets sent in and uses Charge. Kingra sleeps through it all. Then Kingra wakes up and Hydro Pumps Shaun, it doesnt do more than 45hp iirc. Shaun responds by 2hkoing with Discharge>Swobbo kills the final Dragonair (2)>>41895019Holy fucking BASED! Way to go CrazyAnon! Always knew you'd do it.