Today we're checking out the Safari Zone, and man... there's some COOL stuff in here to work with. Come find out what we managed to get our hands on!>>43246737I get her reasoning, but you are completely within your rights to get a Jynx. Funny you should mention that with what we did in our Nuzlocke today, actually... But I do scratch my head at classifying stuff like Gengar and Diglett as gift Pokemon. I mean, you can just choose not to use them or whatever, but we went into Pokemon Tower and ran into a Cubone first thing. If you classify Gastly as a gimme, then that basically makes ratata, pidgey, nidorans, spearows... all SORTS of things gimmes. I've spent a lot of time looking at Gen 1 catch charts lately, and lemme tell you, in Red and Blue, it's REAL easy to get everything available to you. Most routes only have one new Pokemon.
>>43247956If you find another pidgey, you should catch it and name it the Lindbergh Baby.
>>43246649...Wow, that run does NOT look like it's going easy on you.
>>43246456A lot of those early gyms feel REAL cheap if you just have the mon nearby they intended to counter it. I suppose the big exception is if you chose Charmander and then go up against Brock, there's no OBVIOUS counter to rock/ground in any of the starting areas, is there?