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the biggest complaints I've seen are
>linear region
which is true
>forced to use new mons in campaign
>good amount of new mons are obvious stand-ins for older mons
these are more subjective, I personally love most of Unovas dex and designs. shit like swoobat, gigalith, timburr, sawk/throh all being included is a hell of a lot nicer than seeing zubats and geodudes for the 800th time. plus they differentiate themselves enough in stats, looks, and useability.
>story and characters
gen 5 was the first gen to have a heavier emphasis on the story and characters and I appreciated the effort but I can see why a lot of people didn't, there was a LOT of handholding and forced dialogue that really felt like you were being dragged through the story and that got pretty annoying at times.
but the story itself was nice enough, as far as rivals go Bianca was pretty neat, Cheren not so much. if anything the actual rival was N
I think Ghetsis is one of the most interesting villains in the series, at least in BW. BW2 he goes all saturday-morning-cartoon villain and wasn't as good
it had its problems but BW2 rectified most of them and those are probably the best games in the entire series. I liked BW better overall though