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I tried to calculate the highest stage you should go for in the battle frontier to farm BP. Assuming you know the last stage you can consistently one-shot, you can use the formulas in the wiki to calculate the Enemy Health and BP earned on that stage, while the time it takes you to finish it is 1.5 times the number of the stage, in seconds (for example 750 seconds to beat stage 500). With these last two you can calculate the average BP you gain per second if you decide to stop in the last one-shot stage.
Now, if the last stage you can one-shot has "x" Enemy Health, you can make the rough assumption that the last stage you can two-shot is the one with twice the Enemy Health. Using the inverse of the function for Enemy Health you can then find out the corresponding stage, and from there you can calculate the BP reward, the time and the average BP/sec (for the time, you have to consider two cases, the stages you can one-shot and take 1.5 seconds to beat, and the ones you can two-shot and take double the time).
You can repeat this process for 3-shots, 4-shots and so on (up until 10-shots teorethically, because any further would take you more than 15 seconds to beat with the enhanced attack rate, and more than 30 with the normal one which isn't enough time) but the biggest takeaway is that according to this, finishing at the last 2-shot stage is more efficient than stopping at 1-shots, but past that the average BP earned start to dwindle down.