>>43801138First time Ultra Moon, just beat the Ghost trial. This is what I'm currently using. I had more in my rotation for most of the early game but I've narrowed it down to just those first 7 - plus the Shuppet I just caught. I wanna use Vikavolt and Froslass too later once I can evolve them.
My final team will probably be
>Toucannon>Vikavolt>Tsareena>Bewear>FroslassNot sure on my final yet, maybe Basculin unless I find something else I like more. I wanted to use Comfey but its moveset seems to be ass.
>>43801165post your planned final team if you have one
>>43801244This looks based, Renegade Plat is next on my list now I'm all caught up on the mainline games. I enjoyed FireRed Omega and Emerald Kaizo, and I've heard that's even better than both.