>>35988362>Also what you are saying is impossible, people have a natural disgust towards your kind.Proving his point. Let faggots celebrate in the face of your (and others like you) bigotry.
As for Muslims and whatnot invading, you need to get out of your echo chambers. /pol/ is rotting your mind, white man. If pride parades and a single gay thread on a Pokémon message board bother you that much, how about going outside and living in the real world. Gays are people. Other religions are people. Different skin colors are people. This should be obvious, beyond "virtue signaling," but it's not because bigotry is a disease that affects every corner of every human settlement, including the internet.
Anyways, pic related is clearly a homo. Even Gamefreak, full of xenophobic Japanese people, accepts the gays. What the fuck is up with /vp/ that pride bothers them so much?