>>27153097>Be in a finals match in a stadium event.>Your ever-reliable rapidash has just beaten the trainer's executor.>Just one more pokemon between the 2 of you.>He sends out a... salandit?>This is unexpected, you hardly know anything about this pokemon other than it's name.>The salandit whips around and...>...farts in your generl direction, basically.>The fumes waft past your rapidash and approach you, oddly its a sweet smell, but nothing seems to happen.>The opposing trainer grins.>"Those pheromones make any males that inhale it succumb to my salandit's whims, and she can force them to do just about anything.">You smirk."Well that's a pretty neat trick, but jokes on you, my rapidash is a mare."
>He grins even more.>"Any. Male.">You quirk an eyebrow.>Then you realize it.>It hits you all at once.>Your rapidash...>...has a fine ass