>>41760633>AbsolAlways out of its ball and with me since it can outright predict when a breach or anything disastrous may occur. Can co-ordinate with Houndoom to hunt down a suspect. Optics, visually intimidating enough to be a deterrent, but not so intimidating that it will scare people who should be there.
>HoundoomPrimary option for physical altercations and runaways. Excellent visual deterrent, but only to be brought out upon threat of physical violence. Can provide light.
>NoctowlAerial surveillance, for day and night.
>AriadosDetaining suspects. Additional surveillance in unorthodox spaces.
>SteelixInstant blockade of dangerous or restricted areas.
>NinjaskMessage relay between other Pokemon and me.
Can swiftly inform other security officers of an incident and have the proper authorities called in.