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Requesting a Chatot with Egg Moves: Agility/Nasty Plot/Boomburst/Encore/Defog
Perferably 4 of the above, but depending on the combo fewer is fine.
While I'm asking, a Tyrogue with good IVs would be great, too. Or a 4+IV Ditto so I can breed one myself.
I can offer:
- 4 Egg move Growlithe
- Aqua Jet/DD Dratini
- Immunity/Baton Pass/Poison Tail Gligar
- Wish/Yawn Eevee
- 4 egg move Sneasel
- Aqua Jet/DD Corphish
- 4 egg move Meditite
- Joltik
- Skitty
- Togepi
- Gale Wings Fletchling
- Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse Squirtle
- Hammer Arm/Crush Claw Kangaskhan
All have 3-5 IVs.
I actually have a huge list of stuff I want, so if you want more than one of my offers perhaps we can arrange something.