Here's the update on my soulsilver run from last thread. Currently grinding at Cianwood.
Unfortunately there's been a number of casualties, including among my birds. Most recent of which is Deadeye the Pidgeotto, the first mon i caught and used for this run. This leaves Hoodlum the Fearow as the last of my original bird trio.
I also realized the Natu line learns basically no psychic moves until I already started grinding the little guy (at least I hadn't evolved him yet) so he's not really the perfect Chuck counter I imagined. I decided to keep him on board anyway because they're one of those guys I never use and Wish/Futuresight/Protect spamming in the future might be interesting. And of course I can't let the bird population of my team fall too low.
>>54205443Cool team. I especially dig the Bastiodon and Octillery. Too bad about Sidd though, Medicham can be a beast.
>>54205225I concur that Porygon is a based choice on any team. Out of the guys in your box I'd still go with Pikachu, even if just to ensure you've got someone to take the electric hits. Otherwise I'd just hold out for something better.
>>54205131I've never nuzlocked SM before, what's the strat against totem pokemon?
>>54204517Glad to see someone else managed to keep their Slugma alive, I really liked using it while it lasted. Are you planning to keep Wobbufett?
>>54206055I was gonna ask how you dealt with Brawly but then I saw the Sableye. Any casualties yet?