>>55848512>wtf why aren't there 40 trainer cards in your deck??????? that is NOT OPTIMALI mean that ones actually legitimate. You're gonna have a horrible time with mana flood/mana screw and evolution flood/evolution screw if you don't run mostly card acquisition and restabilization.
Playing pre-SV structure decks is absolute cancer, the fact that PTCGO basically forced you into doing it for the first like 80 matches in order to get starter packs honestly grinds my gears, it's such a luck-based format that basically amounts to who draws all 9 pieces of their fucking combo before the other guy, and the majority of the time the answer is "neither of us" so just spent 20 minutes playing "rip 1 pass" with your dick in your hand until someone finally limps along to 6 prize cards with a kirlia. 80 fucking matches in a row that play like snakes & ladders and half the time you lose through no fault of your own and have to go again, and again and again, so it's actually more like 160 matches. And then the cards you got from those matches couldn't be traded, so you still couldn't fix your deck until you won another 60 matches in structure deck ranked for some packs, that you then have to spend another few weeks flipping on the stock exchange. Thank God they finally fixed their precons to something halfway playable. The fact they spent 20 years advising new players to build like structure decks, as if only being able to get off a firespin with Charizard 1 in every 10 games was intended style of play, is just insult to injury.