>What are you hunting?A shiny Diglett in AS via DexNav, a shiny Litten in Moon via MM and any of the shiny starters in HG via SR.
>Do you have any hunts on hold?Patrat, Popplio, Turtonator, Cryogonoal, Woobat, Klang, Wartortle and Mewtwo.
>Ever failed a Shiny?Around 2009 in May, a random shiny Nidorino in FireRed's SZ ran from me.
>Last hunt?Unown Y in AS and this baby in OR after months of hunting. Cave DexNav is annoying.
Current progress:
https://pokedextracker.com/u/Psyyy/shiny-living-dexIt's been very slow this week.
>>33081257Don't give up on Carbink! I was exactly like you but after over 1,900 eggs, I finally got it.