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Can't wait to quit Pokemon.
Cancelled my preorder, sold my games, and threw away all of my action figures.
Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Pokemon are not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.
To be honest, the "Pokemon lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious trainers (asides from guys who are legit battlers but they represent a very low % of dedicated trainers) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about training and battling when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real responsibilities.
The most jacked guys I see are baby faced roiders trying to pick up ugly girls in the clubs, and frat boys who have no job and don't give 2 fucs about school so they spend all their time playing Pokemon.
I'll GLADLY go back to being a 200lb 6'3 weakling or a "non-trainer" or whatever derogatory term you guys want to throw at me, but I don't care. I'll be proud. I can eat whatever I want and finally free up my mind to do what's important in life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the Pokemon meme and Game Freak illusion, try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.Pokemon's just not worth it.