>>52463465>>52465117>>52465130>>52465474(and the team star thing, but only for the boss theme)
To add to the truth spoken by the above anons, I really like that they’ve actually redone (at least) one model; even if it’s a shilmon I don’t care for much, I appreciate that they’re giving enough of a shit about it to actually go against Sword and Shields’ lies.
I also enjoy the new swimming animations (even if they’re sparse), the fact that some Pokémon still behave differently in the wild (I will never get tired of having Hoppip curiously approach my mon while they beat the shit out of some poor Fidough), a fair amount of the character writing, and sometimes running through towns like Levinicia specifically (all the narrow corridors make it kinda fun).
There’s just so, so much else wrong with the game that it cancels out all the fairly sizeable good will it otherwise has. And even without those issues, there’s just *something* missing. Some kind of soul, I guess. Hate using that buzzword, but idk how else to describe it.