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I have just the kind of hyper specific question I figured someone around here might know. Google tells me if I'm using a Multihit Move with King's Rock with a Skill Link mon, you work out to about 41% Flinch chance. But say I'm not using a Skill Link mon, what do the individual Flinch percent chances come out to for two hits through four hits?
Trying to weigh how much it is worth trying to use my last moveslot for my Max Raid Battle Support Stonjourner to fish for Flinches instead of just putting a hit damage high Crit move in the same slot since Rock Blast would guarantee at least 2 hits as long as it hits which I imagine is over 10% Flinch chance, I just don't know how much over 10% it is. Also, the idea of Stonjourner wearing a little rock crown is too cute.