Quoted By:
>challenge Blaine
>opens with an Arcanine that spams Rest and Fire Blast with a Chesto berry
>kill it with Surf
>followup is Ninetails that spams Hypnosis/Confuse Ray (this is a severe misunderstanding of "difficulty")
>kill it with Volt Tackle
>next up is Solrock
>decide to send out the bird with Giga Drain
>cut it in half
>Rock Slide crit
>my boy Xatu dies instantly
>finish it with Surf
>next up is Typhlosion
>switch Rapidash in because Flash Fire
>Blast Burn hits anyway for some fucked up reason I can't even begin to imagine
>Return twice
>Earthquake kills Rapidash
>Surf and it dies, burn leaves Whiscash too low to continue the fight
>Blaziken comes out
>instakilled by Gore's Brick Break scoring a lucky crit
>Magmar is last on the list, Cross Chop and Brick Break trade
>Do it again and lose Gore because of no safe switch
>Snorlax finishes him off with a Quick Claw proc that makes Body Slam come first
He just devastated my entire team. I don't even know what to do at this point.