>>13244766Here's what I've got currently though it could definitely use some fine tuning.
4 Magikarp (Stormfront)
3 Gyarados (Stormfront)
4 Sableye (Stormfront)
2 Uxie (Legends Awakened)
2 Crobat G (Platinum)
1 Azelf (Legends Awakened)
1 Combee (Stormfront)
1 Unown Q (Majestic Dawn)
4 Pokemon Collector/Holon Mentor
4 Professor Juniper
2 Seeker
4 Scoop Up
4 Junk Arm/Item Finder
4 Poké Drawer+
3 Poké Turn
3 Gust of Wind/Pokemon Catcher
3 Broken Time-Space
2 Pokémon Rescue
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
3 Rescue Energy
3 Warp Energy
The goal is to junk 3 Magikarp on T1 through the use of Juniper/Oak and Junk Arm and to start swinging for 90 with Gyarados no later than T2.
Sableye is there because it's an amazing starter and can help combo with things like using Collector to grab 3 Magikarp to throw them away after you use Sableye's attack to pull a Juniper from the deck and use that to throw them away.
Broken Time-Space makes it so that you can play a T1 Gyarados if feasible but more importantly helps you stream the attackers when it gets knocked out. Try to keep a Rescue Energy on him so that he can be placed right back down on the next turn if it gets knocked out.
Expert Belt is another cool card which beefs up any Pokemon it's attached to at the cost of giving up two prizes when it's KO'd.
It's fun and relatively cheap so long as your friends are okay with you playing out of format.