I live bitch, this time no more messing around, planning on doing all of dray's hacks provided I ever beat sacred gold
gonna try and hold onto the mons I have as if it were really life or death
>>43269942man those are some pretty balls encounters, hopefully stuff picks up for you, gotta keep the marathon up
>>43269347might have to add emerald nat dex to the list of stuff to nuzlocke, also Beta is a prime whismur nickname
>>43269335Chadimir needs to get himself some gym badges, poor punished Lalo
>>43269275if that nickname is a DKC reference, mad props, gen 6 nuzlockes are always fun for all the generations the pokemon are from
>>43268927love the characterization you've done, now I'm gonna have to do it on mine too, jesus that mankey did a number on your team
>>43268824that's a pretty intense ruleset, excited to see how it pans out