http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvKPflvOYuIChople scoops up his still-snoozing Zorua and stands up, "I want to thank you...it means more than you realize now. And while I'm aware of your hazy memories, I'd like it if... I'd like it if you promise me you won't just lock me away in your mind vault someday. That you'll try to hold onto the memory of who I am? I know what reality is like, once we're all older this'll be a figment of the past, but I'll be damned if I won't try hard to keep with me forever... Can you try that as well?"
>'Regarding what I first told her. That much was true, Alice had little comprehension of what was going on behind the curtains, what the puppetmasters were doing whilst they pulled their strings and toiled their marionettes. I myself knew only a bit more than she did, and it was this lack of knowledge that would lead to the inevitable end and return to the statistical quota.'Alice hops to her feet and holds her hands behind her back, "You're 'welcom!~ 'An I do promise 't try! I really like talkin' 't you, and I don't want this 't end either. It 'maybee hard 'f 'm, y'know, 't 'member things and stuff, 'a-an sometimes it even hurts tryin'! But I promise i will! And I also 'thin we should squeeze as much of it as possi-bibble outta all 't time we have left!"
>'It seemed as if she wasn't as naive as I previously assumed.'"Yeah, I think so too... But, just out of curiosity, how much time do you have left?"
>'I wanted to be sure, I couldn't rely on that scraggly kid getting finger-deep into pastry love. I needed confirmation.'