Quoted By:
>Be 8
>At the pool with a friend, Jack
>Friend's mom asks me to look for something in a bag while she's changing Jack's sister's diaper
>Look in the bag and find Pokemon Yellow
>Freak out because I had never played Yellow
>"Hey Jack can I have this??" I ask
>"No way Anon, it probably doesn't even work anymore."
>"It might! I could try it, or maybe have my dad fix it-"
>Jack takes it from me
>Throws it into the fucking deep end of the pool
>I muster up the courage to dive in and get it
>"Maybe it will still-"
>Jack takes it from me again
>Throws it in a trashcan
>Jack's mom throws diaper on top of it
>Wouldn't play Yellow until five years later
And the same kid:
>Be in summer camp
>Playing Firered with a bunch of other kids
>All talking about completing the Pokedex
>Everybody in awe over how I just caught motherfucking Suicune
>Jack asks, "Hey Anon, can I borrow your Suicune for the Dex Data? I'll give it right back to you."
>"Sure Jack I don't see why not!"
>Commence trade
>Jack's mom shows up to take him home
>"Sorry Anon, I'll give it back to you tomorrow!"
>"No problem, Jack!"
>Come to camp the next day
>Jack is nowhere to be found
>Ask counselor what happened to him
>He moved to another fucking state
Jack and his fucking mother I swear