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Some Gym Leader ace Pokémon should be changed, because they either not make sense, are from a different region or make the game too easy.
Here are my proposals:
Brock: Rhyhorn
Misty: Gyarados
Lt. Surge: Raichu
Erika: Exeggutor
Koga: Venomoth
Sabrina: Alakazam
Blaine: Magmar
Giovanni: Rhydon
Lorelei: Lapras
Bruno: Machamp
Agatha: Gengar
Lance: Dragonite
Falkner: Noctowl
Bugsy: Heracross
Whitney: Miltank
Morty: Misdreavus
Sneed: Hitmontop
Jasmine: Steelix
Pryce: Piloswine
Clair: Kingdra
Will: Xatu
Karen: Umbreon