>>19696304Alright got quite a bit to give out if anyone is interested.
2 Female Growlithe in Moon Balls, Impish with Intmidate Close Combat/Flare Blitz/Morning Sun
1 Female Aipom in Poke Ball, Jolly with Runaway
2 Female Sandile in Poke Ball, Jolly with Moxie or Intimidate Beat Up/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang/Pursuit
4 Flabebe in Heal Ball, Calm with Flower Veil
2 Porygon in Poke Ball, Modest with Download or Trace
4 Female Cubone in Level Ball, Adamant with Rock Head or Lightning Rod(Two of each) Belly Drum/Iron Head
2 Female Pinsir in Sport Ball, Jolly with Mold Breaker Close Combat/Quick Attack
All are 5IV, disc up and reply