>>48729564Sword & Shield hyper chad here (Love the game, have 900+ hours in it and I still laugh to this very day at dexitards).
Now this is a shit game and I've already pirated it because I have no intention of paying for it what so ever. This, unlike peoples hissy fit over irrelevant shit like sword and shield having ugly trees is reason to complain. Lots of legit issues.
Sword and Shield was far from perfect, the game has lots of faults (some of which carried over to these remakes like the 20 minute online match timers, FUCK OFF WITH THIS SHIT ALREADY GAMEFREAK YOU FUCKING NIGGERS PUT IT BACK TO 1 HOUR, 20 MINUTES IS NOT ENOUGH TO PLAY A 6v6 YOU CUNTS) and I just won't buy it. Not gonna take part in any cringy boycott though, I'll just play my pirated version, make a few complaint threads when I'm inevitably underwhelmed and then I'll move on.
That game does look to be dogshit though. Dunno what they were thinking, especially with the amie crap.