>>48954844With finals done, I'll finish up the rest of this run quick.
>Frontier Brain GretaAn odd fight. She has two legendaries, Lando and Tapu Koko, but the latter's electric terrain actually hurts her sleep strategy with her Breloom and Mega Gengar.
Anyway, nothing fancy here, just countered each of her mons with one of my own. I Flame Orb'd Landorus and had Marowak deal with Koko.
>Aqua Admin MattI forgot to list his fight on Mt. Pyre, but he's pretty simple. As Shelley uses hail, he uses rain, and taking away his weather really hurts him.
BUT, the fucker caught me off-guard with Toxicroak, I thought Bruxish could avoid Sucker Punch with Dazzling and kill but apparently Toxicroak is faster. Never used Bruxish before so I guess I didn't really have a good feel for it's abilities. RIP.
Yeah, you can't really mess around in hacks, does Polished Crystal block off Dark Cave and the like?
>>48959430Good luck! You'll need it, reading some of the horror stories.
>>48961417Most strats in RenPlat should hopefully be like that, get the AI into a bad position then try to set up. This becomes a lot easier once you get Substitute from the Old Chateau, because the AI usually can't 'see' the Substitute and often likes to spam status moves on them. The Togepi you eventually get from Cynthia also has Encore to help with this, actually makes it a lot more useful than a straight attacker.
>>48960266>>48961482You actually can wait to fight Brawly until the league. You can even softlock yourself if you've not fought Brawly and trap yourself at the league with no HM users.
>>48962341Good luck for the final Galactic segment!
Also, remember that Garchomp has a Yache Berry and will likely outspeed that Floatzel, so make sure to bring a backup plan when the time comes.