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Littlemon team #14 to beat Alpha Sapphire E4 + Champ
>deathless & reliable strat
>level caps, no bag items in battle, usual restrictions
So Stunky got 29 / 36 kills. Damn.
There's the "Support Squad" that is Pidove, Cherubi and Litleo. Oddish got kinda wasted here, but we needed someone to kill Sableye.
>the Support Squad slows down Scrafty
>Horsea with Dragon Dance sets up and sweeps with Waterfall + Return
>the Support Squad against Banette
>Stunky with 6x Double-Team + Substitute + 6x Hone Claws + Crunch = ouch
>too scary to finish with Stunky because of Mega Sableye's Foul Play
>Oddish Moonblasts Sableye
>stall Abomasnow's Hail (so Blizzard isn't boosted)
>Support Squad against Wailord
>Stunky setup and there we go
>the SS against Altaria
>Stunky setup and boom
Mega Salamence doesn't even die with 6x Attack STAB Crunch. But we have Substitute and possible Drake's potion turn so it's safe.
Guess I could have used Horsea here.
Well it's pretty much same as the above.
>the Support Squad against Skarmory
>setup with Stunky
Aggron is always scary, but with Substitute and 6x Double-Team and Leftovers and Aggron's poor accuracy moves it's no trouble.
>Crunch PP almost runs out, but Stunky can finish the job with full HP.
Dunno about Stunky why it was so good. Good typing + movepool I guess. It has BST of 329 which is okay. I guess it was at the right place at the right time with the right team members. It has Stench, but it flinched like one opponent in the winning run. What a beast!
All time kill list:
29: Stunky
20: Mienfoo
17: Scyther
14: Gastly
15: Munchlax
11-13 Pancham, Shellos, Doduo, Torchic, Staryu, Wailmer, Torchic, Slugma