>>54266372The absolute fucking state of this board, any day of the week genners would openly mock every last self righteous anon in this thread defending the days worth of hours they spent breeding, grinding, etc. and yet the second some fags on twitter cry about it the fence is jumped.
It's literally a numbers game at the end of the day if every single thing about the mon down to the last stat is legal who fucking cares how it was obtained. I personally train shit ingame because I'm too lazy to learn the process or hack my shit, doesn't mean I need to police everyone who does it the quick way.
Anyone in this thread calling it cheating is an insecure dipshit who needs to validate their time by demeaning others for not wanting to waste theirs.
If you're solely on the "it's cheating" team currently because it makes some whiny faggots mad and that amuses you then congrats you're the only based niggas in this conversation