Quoted By:
BYPASS the Accuracy Check:
Moves that never miss: Aerial Ace, Aura Sphere, Clear Smog, Disarming Voice, Feint Attack, Magical Leaf, Magnet Bomb, Shadow Punch, Shock Wave, Smart Strike, Swift, Trump Card, Vital Throw
Moves that can miss: Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Sheer Cold
Moves that never miss under certain conditions: Blizzard, Hurricane, Pursuit, Thunder, Toxic
Moves that specifically counter Minimize: Body Slam, Double-Iron Bash, Dragon Rush, Flying Press, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Steamroller, Stomp
Moves that cause subsequent moves to never miss: Lock-On, Mind Reader, Telekinesis
Abilities: No Guard
IGNORE Evasion Boosts
Moves that ignore boosts: Chip Away, Darkest Lariat, Sacred Sword
Moves that cause subsequent moves to ignore boosts: Foresight, Miracle Eye, Odor Sleuth
Abilities: Keen Eye, Unaware
REDUCE Evasion Boosts
Lower evasion: Defog, Sweet Scent*
Reset evasion stat: Clear Smog, Haze
Steal evasion boosts: Heartswap, Spectral Thief*
Reverse evasion boosts: Topsy-Turvey
Phase your opponent: Roar, Whirlwind
Items: Red Card
INCREASE Your Accuracy:
Increase your accuracy: Acupressure, Coil, Hone Claws
Abilities: Compound Eyes
Items: Wide Lens, Zoom Lens
Am I missing any? I'm ignoring Z-Moves since they're leaving and Let's Go partner moves. Asterisks mark moves that can miss that aren't otherwise specified as such.