>>39696126The reason why they need to use Murdoch to achieve this is that they found his brain to be a powerful catalyst for channeling psychic energy through. It's not possible for him to use psychic powers on his own, but if the Malamar is able to take control of him, it has found that it could channels its abilities through him at an exponential level of power. They've currently spent five years carefully going through his mind at regular intervals in order to continue drawing out this incredible latent power. Unfortunately, these braincombing sessions cause Murdoch psychological damage as time passes, impairing his ability to efficiently process difficult moral dilemmas. This eventually warps his ever-growing ambitions into something much more sinister. They eventually have to decide if they want to continue down this dangerous path, or if it would be better to simply start over and live a peaceful live with this young man the best that they can.